
Care Instructions

Care Instructions

Now that you have a lovely piece of Jewelry - How do you properly take care of it?

There are many things you need to think about.

BelleDew Jewelry is made from natural metals, materials, and gemstones; therefore your jewelry is affected by the elements in your home and your surroundings.  Perfumes, lotions, and even your own body chemicals can dull the way the metal looks.  Trying to avoid some exposure will help your jewelry stay looking its best. 

Things you should avoid

Swimming Pools and Hot tubs - Harmful chemicals may cause reactions in the metals and cause them to  change and permanently discolor.  These type of chemicals may weaken the metals and cause them to break.

Make up and Perfumes - Another chemical nightmare for precious metals.  Try to avoid getting these directly on your jewelry.

Lotions and Medicines - Any type of lotion applied to the skin can create a reaction with the metal or gemstone and cause permanent damage.

Hairsprays and Hair products - Try to avoid spraying these products on your jewelry

Things you should do

Professional polishing cloths work great.  They are soft and designed to clean jewelry.  Use plain luke-warm water when cleaning your jewelry but be especially careful because water that is too hot or too cold can damage certain materials (like sterling silver).  Do not use harsh silver cleaners or paste - these products were not designed for jewelry.

Only use soft lint-free cloths on your jewelry - paper products and tissues can scratch pearls or stones.

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